Afternoon Club

Organized 1892, Federated 1897, United 1910


  • For the months of October, January and May, when letters or emails are sent to members, meeting notices will be included in said letters or emails.
  • Each speaker is honored by having a book of his/her recommendation placed in the Coyle Free Library.
  • Changes of address, telephone number or name shall be reported to the Membership Chairperson as soon as possible.
  • Inclement weather policy – If the schools / library are closed, the meeting is cancelled. This includes the January luncheon meeting. If the schools have a 2-hour delay, the meeting / lunch will be held. If the schools have a 2-hour early dismissal, the meeting / lunch will be cancelled.

Coyle Free Library
102 North Main Street
Chambersburg, PA 17201
Telephone: 717-263-1054

At each November meeting, the Club celebrates Christine King Memorial Book day, at which time members are asked to bring money to pay for a book for the library. This is to remember and carry on the devoted service of Christine King, one of the founding members of the Afternoon Club. Miss King worked tirelessly for the library from its beginning in 1898 until her death in 1932, making many personal and financial sacrifices.

The Chambersburg Afternoon Club was formed in 1891 by a group of ladies to “improve the mental culture” of its members. Six years later, with donations of 25 books and $25.00, the women began a library, originally only for members of the Club. In 1898, the Library became public, was housed in a second floor room over the National Bank, and was staffed by Club members.

In 1924, a new Library was built at the northwest corner of Second and Queen Streets with funds bequeathed by Mrs. Blanche Coyle, an Afternoon Club member. Annual support was received from Town Council and a trained librarian was hired. In 1964 the library moved to its present location in what had been the Post Office building, and using funds from the sale of the old building, made extensive renovations.

The Coyle Free Library joined Franklin County Library and Besore Library of Greencastle in 1968 to become the Conococheague District Library, with District headquarters located in Coyle Library. Additional library space was made available, an elevator was added, and the basement was converted into a children’s library after a successful renovation campaign in 1980.

In 1998 Coyle Free, Besore Memorial, Franklin County (currently Grove Family), Ft. Loudon Community, St. Thomas, Alexander Hamilton Memorial and Blue Ridge Summit Libraries consolidated into the Franklin County Library System with one Board of Directors and the Director.

One member of the Chambersburg Afternoon Club serves on the Board of Directors of the Franklin County Library System, and some members give volunteer service to the library.

The Chambersburg Afternoon Club is more than a social club. An annual campaign is conducted for financial contributions to the Coyle Free Library. Through its support of the Coyle Free Library, it is the oldest service club in Chambersburg.

In 2018, a reconstruction of Coyle Free Library was completed. The library was remodeled and the following rooms and projects were added: Teen Room, Micro-Café, Children’s Story Room, Huddle Rooms, Atrium, Green Roof, Two Kitchenettes, Community Room, Theatre and Genealogy Room.